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About Us

Casa Reom Trust is a charity which helps children in Beira, Mozambique. We raise funds towards the development and running of the Casa Reom centre that looks after children in need: loving them, parenting them, schooling them, and teaching them employment skills. We also support Escola Reom, a community primary school for over 600 children with a Christian ethos.


Casa Reom and Escola Reom are operated by Youth With A Mission, Beira. Full details of the charitable status of Casa Reom Trust can be found on the Charity Commission website

In 1989, five missionaries started a refuge at a building in Beira and called it 'Casa Reom' (which means 'House of the Good Shepherd'). They offered food and beds to the many street children orphaned by the civil war in Mozambique.

In 1998 Casa Reom was chosen by St Matthew & St Oswald's church in Rugby, as the primary mission project. By 2004 the town centre site was crowded and the numbers of children orphaned by AIDS was rising. The local team had a vision for an additional out-of-town site to take more children, teach vocational skills, but preserve the ethos and culture of Casa Reom.


During visits by church members in 2004 and 2005, the staff and boys made a big impression as they lived in tough conditions and with few resources, yet they were full of joy, hope, love and faith. Following these visits, we set up Casa Reom Trust as a Registered UK Charity, to develop the new site and to raise money for ongoing running costs.


Our heart behind wanting to be involved in Casa Reom comes from the definition of what religion is in the book of James:

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”  James 1:27

Our vision for Casa Reom is that the site will be fully developed with buildings of good quality that will last for generations to come.  We also want to assist the team in Mozambique to change the lives of future generations of boys and girls in Mozambique through teaching in the primary school Escola Reom and the training and development of life skills in the orphans who are brought up at Inhamizua. 


Our vision as a trust is to help the evolution of a sustainable ministry that transforms lives in a positive and practical way to overcome the dependence on aid and donations and to build strong families and communities to Mozambique in the future.

© 2025 Casa Reom Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1113673

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