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Re-integration & Independence

Casa Reom seeks to prepare the boys who live at the centre to be able to support themselves and live independently when they leave. This is a real challenge for some of the boys but it can also be  very for the boys and the staff who look after them.

Pedro in Hospital.jpg

Pedro came to Casa Reom when he was 6 years old and has never known his parents. Casa Reom supported Pedro through school and he did well, qualifying with grades that allowed him to attend a health course in a hospital.


In the midst of the 2019 cyclone, Pedro carried  a lot of responsibility for a ward of patients and graduated the same year. He went on to win a prestigious training position as a Police medic and is now working in the national police hospital in Maputo.

Pedro shares how he believes God has helped him in the tough times during his training and says he is so thankful to Casa Reom for how they have supported him to get where he is.


Arquilino was brought to the centre by his grandmother who could not afford to look after him because she lived in extreme poverty. While at Casa Reom, Arquilino was trained as an electrician and builder and now lives with his wife and two children in Beira.

Arquilino's wife, Francisca, grew up at one of the previous Casa Reom centres at Dondo which was later closed. They have two children,  a boy and a girl.


During the 2019 cyclone, Casa Reom was been able to support this family and help Arquilino find new contract work that has allowed him to buy land to start planning to build his own home.


Monteiro's family were refugees during the Mozambique war and was rescued from the streets of Beira and lived at Casa Reom after his parents died. Monteiro did well at school and began to train as a school teacher.


During the Covid lockdown of 2020 his teacher training has been put on hold while schools are closed and so is falling back on the vocational training he received at Casa Reom to serve as a contract worker for the Mozambique railway.

© 2025 Casa Reom Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1113673

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