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Building Appeal

All funds donated via PayPal Giving Fund during 2023 will be used towards the Staff Accommodation Block.

New Staff Accommodation Block

​One of the final buildings to be completed for the Casa Reom centre at Inhamizua, near Beira, is a two storey building for volunteer staff members.

The design will be flexible so that married couples and families can be accommodated, but also allows single workers to be housed. The facilities could also be used to provide room for visiting volunteers. This building will free up all rooms of the dormitory block to house the boys in smaller groups according to age.


Work is already underway, but we need your help to complete this final stage of the project.​

£130,000 Target
36% Staff Accomodation Target.png

For an update on the progress of the building work go to ...

45% of Target Reached


​The easiest way to donate to our appeal is via our PayPal Giving Fund link, shown here. PayPal Giving Fund take no charges and all of the money you donate comes to Casa Reom Trust. You can also Gift Aid your donation.

Paypal Giving Fund Logo.PNG

As well as telling your friends, family and work colleagues about our project, you can also share our posts about the appeal on Facebook and Twitter.

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You can organise a fundraising event or give a donation towards the appeal yourself. But you can also help by sharing about the project on social media, or asking your work, church or other organising to make a donation or organise a fundraiser.

Use Gift Vouchers to turn your donation to the appeal into a Christmas, Birthday or other occasion gift for a family member or friend.

So far, funds for the project have been raised in a variety of ways, including:

  • Over £19,000 has been donated by churches and individual supporters in the past 5 years

  • Around £10,000 has been raised through our 2022 Christmas Appeal, backed by The Big Give.

  • £11,643 was raised through St Matthew & St Oswald's Lent Appeal in 2023.

The Trustees are applying to a number of funders and we have some new creative fundraising ideas in the pipeline. If you have ideas or would like to help, please get in touch.

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