Meet the Staff in Mozambique

Raimundo is the interim leader of the Casa Reom project. He is also overseeing the completion of the builing work on the new Staff Accomodation block.
He is married to Elisa who works as the base leader at YWAM Marromeu and the have three children: Rosangela, Ester and Caleb.
Raimundo has been working in mission since 1998, first working in YWAM Dondo until 2004, before moving to YWAM Marromeu in 2005. With his wife, he has worked in training, as well as having a ministry to the elderly and newborn babies who have lost their mothers."
Nelio & Tabita
Nelio and Tabita joined the Casa Reom staff team in May 2019 and together they look after the day-to-day running of the Inhamizua site. Tabita also manages the daily administration for Escola Reom.
Nelio and Tabita have 4 children: Nelsia, Hirondina, Melquisedeque and Hiner.

Boniface has been working as Casa Reom's administrator for over 10 years. He looks after the accounts and manages suppliers for food and building materials.
Boniface is also a pastor of a local church in Beira and, with his wife supports outreach work to the homeless and disadvantaged people in his local area.